Selasa, 29 April 2014

Be Your #BestBeautiful with Olay Indonesia

Pernah gak sih kamu ngerasa kurang atau bahkan tidak cantik sama sekali?
Well, I believe that most of the women in the world, pasti PERNAH merasa dirinya tidak cantik. Termasuk aku.

Well, don't worry girls, you're not alone. But you gotta believe that you are, indeed, beautiful.
Nah, ngomong-ngomong tentang feeling beautiful, kemarin tanggal 21 April, bertepatan dengan hari Kartini, aku dan teman-teman beauty blogger diundang oleh Cosmopolitan Indonesia dan Olay Indonesia.

Rabu, 23 April 2014

Experiencing Korean Spa at Mint Spa

Anyone here who is a fan of Korea? K-Pop maybe? Well, as we all know, the K-Pop invasion these last few years made us go crazy about it. From music and entertainment to gadget, and even to beauty things! Bet most of you are already familiar with Korean beauty products, either make up or skin care. But, have you ever heard about Korean spa here in Jakarta?

Senin, 21 April 2014

So Lately..

never enough

Shu Uemura: Find Your Ideal Glow

Hello beauties! Looooooong time no see! I was pretty much preoccupied with work and *ahem* personal matters these days. So, here I am, back on blogging world, and I am proudly present you my experience with other fellow beauty bloggers for Shu Uemura Make Up event last Friday!
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