
Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Year End Blog Sale!

Hi everyone! It's the middle of December and yes, less than 2 weeks to another year! So, I done several inspection in my room and found these lovely beauty-related things left unused. Some of them are brand-new, but never been used, the rest of it is used, but it's been long since the last time I use them.

That's why, now I'm holding a blog sale so that they will be useful and not become useless doing nothing in my room ^^

Here are some rules for this blog sale, so that everything will be in order:
  1. All prices are fixed, so please no haggling and of course no hit and run (unless you want your name to appear in internet FOREVER as blacklisted buyer).
  2. You can book the items here by sending me an email to along with your name, address, phone number with BLOG SALE as mail subject.
  3. Booking period is maximum 2x24 hours.
  4. You can get special discount if you buy more than 5 items at once (under one buyer).
  5. The availability number of each product is ONE per product except it is stated otherwise.


BRAND NEW - RACHEL K MINERAL CC PRESSED POWDER - Rp 600.000 (the shade doesn't suit  my skin tone)

BRAND NEW - L'oreal Professionel Paris Hair Mix Supreme Smooth - Rp 150.000 (my hair is oily, this product will be perfect for big, dry hair) The price tag is still there stated Rp 210.000

BRAND NEW - Etude House Eyelash Brush - Rp 30.000

BRAND NEW - Etude House - Rp 35.000

BRAND NEW - ARTDECO Adhesive for Permanent Lashes  6ml  - Rp 35.000 (items available: 16)

BRAND NEW - ARTDECO Caviar Essential Concentrate 2ml  - Rp 25.000  (items available: 12)

BRAND NEW - Etude House Collagen Eye Patch - Rp 8.000 (items available: 12)

BRAND NEW - Etude House Deco Cheek & Bloomade - Rp 25.000 (items available: 5 each)

BRAND NEW - Etude House Light-Fit Concealer - Rp 20.000 (items available: 7)

BRAND NEW - ARTDECO Wellfeet Feet Softener Travel Kit  - Rp 40.000

PRELOVED - 70% left - ARTDECO Wellfeet Lemongrass Cooling Gel - Rp 50.000

PRELOVED - 80% left - ARTDECO Skin Yoga Face Good Looking Moisturizer - Rp 50.000

PRELOVED - 70% left - ARTDECO Hand Repair Treatment - Rp 40.000

BRAND NEW - Etude House Moistfull Mask - Rp 17.000 (items available: 3)

BRAND NEW - Etude House White Tea Mask - Rp 15.000

BRAND NEW - Etude House Brightening Eye Patch - Rp 15.000

PRELOVED - 80% left - Etude House Cleansing Dream Mild Cleansing Milk - Rp 45.000

PRELOVED - 70% left - Etude House White Tea Skin Softener - Rp 40.000

BRAND NEW - Etude House Dear Darling Nail Care - Rp 25.000 (items available: 2)

BRAND NEW - ARTDECO Camouflage Stick Waterproof - Rp 45.000 (items available: 5)
SWATCH of ARTDECO Camouflage Stick

PRELOVED - 90% left - Etude House Styleade Pencil #3 (metallic purple) - Rp 17.000
SWATCH of Etude House Styleade Pencil #3 (metallic purple)

PRELOVED - SWATCH ONLY ONCE - Etude House Glassade Lip Gloss - Rp 22.000

BRAND NEW - ARTDECO Soft Lip Liner Waterproof  no. 17 - Rp 24.000

PRELOVED - SWATCH 3-4 times - Etude House Aqua Rouge Lipstick PK006 - Rp 25.000

BRAND NEW - Etude House LuciDarling Nail  - Rp 25.000

PRELOVED - SWATCH ONLY ONCE - Etude House Nails - Rp 15.000

PRELOVED - SWATCH ONLY ONCE - Etude House Nails - Rp 15.000

PRELOVED - SWATCH ONLY ONCE - Etude House Nails - Rp 15.000

PRELOVED - SWATCH ONLY ONCE - Etude House Nails - Rp 15.000

BRAND NEW - Etude House Nail French - Rp 20.000

ARTDECO Perfect Color Lipstick
Rp 25.000
1-3-5-6-7: NEW
2-4: SWATCH 2-3 times


12 komentar:

  1. O_O banyaknya produk etude yg versi lama2.. production date nya kapan itu say? klo terlalu lama takutnya udh keburu expired loh >.< sayang bgt ga dipakee

    1. iya shelvi ^_^

      setau aku sih klo yg brand new ga masalah production datenya karena expire date itu setelah kemasan dibuka ^_^

      kalo yg preloved ini yang susah :s

      kalo ga laku dengan sangat terpaksa aku buang :(

  2. boleh tau yang artdeco itu no shadenya berapa aja? ^^

    1. yang lipstik?

      dari kiri ke kanan: 21,22,23,26,27,51,56


  3. Balasan
    1. bagus sih, cair banget cumanya, dan kalo ga cepet2 udah keburu kering. :p

  4. wuihhh jadi pengen belii ehehe :3 *mikirmikir dulu


Let me know what you think!