
Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Beauty Product from Her Ladyship on Downton Abbey

downtown abbey mark & spencer

I was like "WHATTT?" when I first read an article about this. Yes! Marks &  Spencer will launch an official line of beauty products along with the comeback of the fourth season of the TV series! Lady Mary's beauty products? Aren't you tempted?

The fourth season and this magnificent official line of beauty products will be available in over 250 M&S stores throughout UK and ONLINE in upcoming October. Well, a bit upset to know that it won't be here in Indonesia (I am already used to this anyway). But  hey, ONLINE! I never really want to buy something online, I mean, overseas shopping (I am a big fan and loyal customer of Qoo10 hahaha because they have the representative office here). Too risky and err, pricey.

But, yeah, I still wishing that someday I can get this *crying* I am a huge fan of this TV series since its first season and I LOOOVE all of the casts and story plots.

My favorite? Of course it's Lady Mary! For the male cast, I loooove Lord Grantham so mucho. And Maggie Smith's Lady Grantham oh, she's the spice of the show. I never thought that Prof. McGonagall could be that witty and hilarious.

Okay, back to the beauty collection. M&S have few things, which all of them are inspired by the TV series, including cast and the quotes, how witty!

So they will have soap, fragranced candle, nail varnish, lip gloss, lip balm, and body lotion. Oh, they also have the cosmetic bag! All the products will have a touch of floral design and dominated by gold, emerald, and burgundy color to add more classic and elegant impression. The products will also attached with quotes from the series (I love this personal touch!). Like "No one wants to kissa girl in black" from Maggie Smith and also "Now stop talking & kiss me, before I get cross" from the very sweet Lady Mary Crawley when they're in bed (oopsie).

How about the price? Hihi, all items cost between £6 and £12.50.

The full collection is as follows: 
Downton Abbey Signature Soaps £6 for three, Downton Abbey Fragranced Candle £8.50, Downton Abbey Cosmetic Bag £12.50, Downton Abbey Lip Balm Duo £5, Downton Abbey Travel Collection £8.50, Downton Abbey Lip Gloss Collection £9.50, Downton Abbey Nail Varnish Collection £9.50, Downton Abbey  Cream Bath £9.50, Downton Abbey Bathing Collection £16.00, Downton Abbey  Luxury Collection £49.50.

Are you excited too?

I really want to try the lip gloss (though I'm not a fan of that) and the luxury soap. Who knows I can be like those ladies on Downton Abbey!

Anyway, are you familiar with Dskon is an online shopping platform where you can find the very best deal in town, products and brand reviews, exclusive promo offers, even to fashion tips and tricks on how to maximize your look! We are always excited to share this with all of the fashion lovers, and we also believe that you can help us to spread this big fashion news too, to your fellow readers who enjoys fashion as much as we do! have a little visit to our beloved website ( where you can browse a variety options of Indonesia´s Online Shops with different catagories, and not forget our blog ( where you can find the latest trend review, regarding fashion, beauty and many more.

As for the feature, I really love one of the vendor from Dskon, which is My Lovely Sister. They offer wide variety of beauty products and mostly from South Korea. The packaging are just cute! I already shopped here a few times, though. 

Have you visited Dskon?

Till then, bye!

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