
Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

SkinLiFE Face Lotion

Ahahaha, yesterday I already share to you the review of SkinLiFE Foaming Facial Wash; beauty product from Japanese brand named COW BRAND. Now, it's time to share another SkinLiFE product which is Face Lotion.

Do you know that Japanese use the term "lotion" for what we, Indonesians, and maybe others, call as "toner"?

The difference might be confusing, luckily I already knew this since I learn about Chizu Saeki Lotion Mask Method. So, for those of you who are still confused, every time you see products with "lotion" and comes from Japan (Japanese brand or made in Japan), it's actually liquid, and it's same with toner. Hope it helps~

The lotion comes in 150ml packaging, like the foaming facial wash, it is also considered 'big'. It has flip-top cap to let the product out.

On the back side, there is a sticker containing ingredients list and how to use the product. It also has expiry date too!

So, since this lotion is actually toner, of course it has watery texture. It has similar scent just like the facial wash does. Only stronger. I think it's because of the alcohol.

Though it is advised to use this lotion with cotton pads, I prefer pouring the product onto my palm of hand then directly put it on my whole face. This is because I have the idea of toner/ lotion as a balancer. It functions to balance our skin after washing the face and neutralize it from the uncertain hygiene of the water and everything that have contact with our skin. So I prefer to use my hand then dab it softly so it absorbs perfectly.

What I love about this lotion are:
  • Big packaging, I believe this product will last more than 3 months on me
  • Help reducing the oil, especially on my T-Zone
  • Feel refreshed
What I slightly dislike of this product:
  • Flip-top cap, can lead to accidental spill
  • Leaves my U-Zone very dry (I have combination skin, so I put just a little amount of this lotion for U-Zone)
You can purchase this product in Guardian, Grand Lucky, and Papaya. And for those who lives in Bandung, you can try Yogya (price may varies).

For more information, you can check these links out:

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