
Minggu, 02 Februari 2014


If you're following me on Instagram (@utotia), you'll notice that I wear soft lenses a lot. Hehe, ever since I knew this thing, I can't help falling in love with it.

I have a very big eyes, sadly my pupil is not that big. It creates a scary look, eventhough I didn't mean to do so. Or, most of the people will tease me like "Don't glare at me like that!" -_-

That's why I love soft lense, because it will change my whole look, from scary and rude (I'm not like that though :p), to puppy-eyed, dolly look. ^_^

I got this soft lense from one of the Japanese who came to my office. The men were very kind that he told me I can pick so many! Hahaha. Unfortunately, all of those given to me are non-prescription one. So, it's just for pictures and fashion then.

At first I was afraid because of the color. Well, green is a bit... striking color. But I ended up like these pictures below (ATTENTION: Selfie spam!!)

It doesn't look green right? But it is, only if you pay attention closer, like this.

Yes, and it's dark green, so it's safe for daily life. *phew*

So, I tried two lens before, both are Korean brand. And at first, my eyes hurt and irritated (though it's only on first attempt). But this FAIRY Princess, even on the first attempt of using, I didn't experience any irritation nor redness. It's completely comfortable and it's very thin, feels like not wearing any lens!

The only disappointment is the color doesn't turned out the way it should be, as shown on the box. It should be brighter. Of course, since it's not like on the box, it's safer for daily life, but then it didn't deliver as it should be. So, I guess, maybe they should give better sample of before-after pictures, so it won't be misleading.

This FAIRY Princess is not yet available in Indonesia. But according to this webstore which sells FAIRY soft lense; it's 19.41 (¥ 1,980) for a pair of the soft lense (Princess series).

It's only for 1-month use. But, the men from Sincere Vision (the company where FAIRY is) said that Japanese soft lense is very high in quality that we can wear 1-month for 3-month. And I ALREADY PROVE THAT. LOL, please do not try this at home. Especially when you wear those Chinese or Korean brand. 

In summary? I LOVE FAIRY Princess Green!

Thank you Sincere Vision!

This is my very first Japanese brand soft lens (Ageha is the third one)

Japan Softlens | Jual Softlens Warna Nyaman Asli Jepang♡

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