
Minggu, 24 Mei 2015

My First Experience with 1-Day ACUVUE DEFINE


I would like to share with you about my nearsightedness. Around 2011 or my junior year during university, my vision was rapidly deteriorating. But since the minus is not too high, it was 0.25 or even lower, I decided not to use glasses.

But, ever since I started blogging and also working, as I am working with computer for more than 7 hours every day, I started to feel that I need visual aid. So I’ve been using soft contact lenses for around 2 years till now.

I tried two different type of soft contact lenses; monthly and daily. But most of the time, I use monthly soft contact lens for my daily life. Why? Actually, it because it’s hard to find 1-day lens with color at that time. Yes, I prefer color lens because it’s just fun to wear and it gives my eye a bit more ‘life’.

But the problem with monthly lens is the practicality and hygiene. I have to spend some time to rub clean the lens every time I put it off, not to mention that I should handle it with care while trying to make sure that it is clean. Also, I have to buy the multi-purpose solutions, which add more costs and also work (it lasts only 3 months).

And if I ignore those endless effort like rubbing and cleaning the lens, then I will lose the hygiene. This is the scary part of wearing monthly lens for lazy girl like me. The impact can be as worse as being blind due to the bacterial contamination. So scary right?

So, after being a loyal user of monthly soft contact lens, finally I am trying to get out of this comfort zone by trying 1-day soft contact lens. It’s around 4-5 weeks ago that I went to optics to check my visual acuity. 

That was my first time doing thorough visual acuity check. I checked it at Grand Indonesia since it is the nearest branch near from my office (just walking distance~).

Before checking the visual acuity, they kindly check my history of using contact lens. The staff checked my eye condition (redness, dandruff, even the directions of my eye lashes growth). 

From that I also learn that not all people can wear contact lens, especially those with Diabetes and or high blood pressure. Are you? Luckily I am one of those people who can safely wear contact lens.

After that I continued with the visual acuity check and my minus increased! :(

My left eye got -1.00 while my left eye got -0.75. Then, the staff kindly explained to me about the benefit of using 1-day soft contact lens compared to monthly one.

But of course I mentioned my concern regarding my preference for color soft contact lens. And YAAAASSS…! He said that there’s new 1-day soft contact lens which comes in colors!

It’s 1-Day Acuvue Define which comes in 3 different style: Vivid Style (twinkling & vibrant), Natural Shine (shining & sophisticated), and Accent Style (clear & authentic).

At that time I chose Natural Shine because it has shining effect which attracted me the most (cause I have that sleepy eyes). 

My first impression? It’s sooooo Natural! I can feel and actually see the shining effect in my eyes, but it doesn’t look fake. Even my office mates back in office didn’t recognize that it was because I was using the 1-Day Acuvue Define contact lens. Also, it’s so light and comfortable, I spent like 7 hours wearing it throughout the day and my eyes didn’t feel dry (note that I didn’t use any eye drops at all at that time).

And ‘cause it so pretty, I took picture of it to brag it to my friends, LOL. Gotta tell everyone cause it’s so comfortable!

That’s my experience using Acuvue Define for the first time. I think I want to continue using it because not only it’s super comfortable but I just happen to know that 1-Day Acuvue Define is the only color soft contact lens that has UV protection!!

I will update you with full review soon!

#PengalamanPertama #AcuvueDefine

27 komentar:

  1. Gimana kakkkk... dibawa kerja depan laptop seharian ngga pegel toh??? Ngga kelihatan pake softlense yaaa.. Tp matanya jd lbh cantik... hihihihi.. Ditunggu review berikutnya yaaaaaa.. Makeup look plissss.. hihhiii. Have a good day.....

    1. nggaaaak... Hihihi.. Iya nanti mau coba ah bikin makeup look pake 1-Day Acuvue Definenya, sekalian bandingin 3 variannya~ #spoiler

  2. Kak Tia bagus pakai softlens Acuvue Define ini!
    Kalau pakai yang harian gini berarti lebih bersih ya kak daripada yang bulanan. Ditunggu review selanjutnya mengenai softlens ini kak! :D

    1. Makasih Margaaa :)

      Iyaaa, jauh lebih higienis. Aku sering banget tuh dulu kalo pake yang bulanan iritasi huhuhu... Tapi selama pake 1-Day Acuvue Define ini belum pernah iritasi lhoo <3

  3. Baru tahu yang penyakit diabetes gak bisa pakai.
    Beneran mata dirimu kelihatan lebih "bangun" dan seperti mata aseli, hohoo, daku juga pake loh, tgl sepsang mlah #cry

    1. Iya, dikasih tahu sama staf optik Rifka :)

      Hahaha, iya mataku ngantuk, bawaan lahir :p

      Wiiii, cocok banget dooong, aku juga nih pake tiap hariii

  4. Baru tahu yang penyakit diabetes gak bisa pakai.
    Beneran mata dirimu kelihatan lebih "bangun" dan seperti mata aseli, hohoo, daku juga pake loh, tgl sepsang mlah #cry

  5. Ngebayangin tujuh jam di depan komputer... baca kalimatnya aja ikutan pegel... XD XD Kemaren masnya ngejelasin kalo banyak minum susu/diabetes ngga bisa pake softlens, tapi aku lupak kenapa, wkwkwk.

    1. Asliii!! Tapi apa daya mba Una, itulah perjuangan aku demi bongkahan emas hahaha..

      Iya, aku ingeeet, katanya soalnya kalo banyak minum susu itu kalsium berlebih bisa ngaruh ke mata, bikin mata gampang kotor.

      Kalo yang diabetes, takutnya iritasi atau kecolok atau cedera akibat salah pake softlens jadi berabe xD

  6. Masih muda sekali miss Tia, 2011 aja aku lulus S2 *ketauan tuir nya* btw aku juga mw ahh buat postingan pengalaman pertama ku pakai 1-Day Acuvue Define ini, cucok di aku..


    1. Hahaha, udah menua nih Astiiii

      Aku main kesana yaaa~

  7. Totally agree with you Tia! It's kinda hard to find 1-day lens with colors. Dan 1-Day Acuvue Define benar-benar membantu banget buat yang pengen keliatan kece tapi tetap higienis.

    Anyway, mata kamu jadi blink blink banget ya hihihihi <3

    1. Iyaaaa! *tos*

      hihihi, aku kedip-kedip sama kamu aaah~ *wink*

      Makasih Ririeee

  8. Wow. Matanya jd shining bgt ya pas pake 1 day Acuvue Define nya. hihihi. Jd tambah kawaiiii ;D Ahhhh aku jd kepengen nyobain yg Natural Shine.. XD

    1. Ihhh, makasih June ^^
      Salam kenal yaaakkk~

      Kamu pakai yang manaaaa?

  9. I already tried the natural shine too and just like the name it looks sparkling :D so far ini softlens paling nyaman yg pernah kucoba hihi

    1. Yepppp Dewiiii, nyaman bangettttt~

      Aku juga suka Natural Shine, pas kena sinar bikin mata pika-pikaaa

  10. dua foto dibawah cantiiik banget kaaaak.
    yang motretnya pinteeer ambil angle :)

    youre eyes look like natural, padahal pake softlense ya hihi.

    1. Hihihi, makasih Tariiii...

      Iyaaa, itu dia asiknya pakai 1-Day Acuvue Define, ada warnanya tapi subtle jadi tetep terlihat natural :)

  11. cantiikk
    dipake buat di dpn komp seharian gak iritasi ya ?


    1. Halo Cintamiii~

      Dipakai di depan komputer seharian tetep nyaman dan ga iritasi. Udah aku buktiin sampe sekarang tiap hari kerja depan komputer sampe begadang lembur (jangan ditiru lemburnya) pake 1-Day Acuvue Define mata tetep nyamaaan bebas iritasi!

  12. untuk sleepy eyes berarti cocok yaa pakai yang natural shine :D

  13. Kak Tia cantik bgttt n softlensnya natural sekali yaa.. nyaman spt ga pk softlens

    1. Iya Vania, hihi makasih, thanks to 1-Day Acuvue Define nihhh.. Nyaman dan tetep tampil alami!

  14. Before I met Acuvue Define I had no idea that 1-Day lens could be such a life saver for office ladies like us, especially when they are so comfortable like Acuvue T_T !

    Anyway di foto after bawah Tia keliatan banget matanya lebih seger :D

    1. Iya Claren! Bener banget, comfy, healthy, and we look natural!

      Hihi, iya makanya langsung kepincut tuh padahal baru sekali coba di optik!


Let me know what you think!