
Senin, 01 Juni 2015

Garnier Light Complete White Speed #1WeekToShine Challenge

Let me tell you my story:
Day by day, every time I look at myself in the mirror, I feel like my face is lack of radiance, it's dull. Every time I go for facial, the therapist keep telling me that my face is dull and I need to take care of my skin better.

My dull skin is not only because of the external factors such as sun exposure and pollution, but also internal factors like lack of sleep and unhealthy lifestyle.

So, these days I try hard to fix my sleeping routine (I sleep very late, up until 3-4 AM) and adapt to healthy lifestyle (healthy food, counting calories).

Of course the journey to healthier, more radiance looking skin doesn't stop there. I also need to fix my skin from the outside by using certain skin care.
And just in time, I got a challenge from GARNIER Indonesia to try the latest product from them: Garnier Light Complete White Speed.

The challenge was to use whole range of Garnier Light Complete White Speed for a week and see the result. Hmm, of course I accepted the challenge. Let's see!

Multi-Action Brightening Scrub

First step in skin care is always cleansing! It's essential to clean your face completely before starting to apply any skin care products. Like a clean canvas, of course the products will be absorbed better.

I love the scrub because it doesn't hurt my skin unlike majority of scrub. That thanks to 1000 Micro-Beads, it's so small that it won't scratch your skin!

It has Pure Lemon Essence, which is the key ingredients that makes it able to make skin 1 tone fairer in 1 wash. And yes, I proved it! My skin was instantly brighter in 1 wash.

Multi-Action Whitening Serum Cream SPF 19

This series actually have two kinds of day moisturizer. And the one that I love the most is actually this Multi-Action Whitening Serum Cream SPF 19.

What's so unique about both of whitening serum cream is that both of day creams are infused with serum. As widely known, serum works more effectively for specific skin concerns (e.g. acne, dark spots, wrinkle). And as for this Garnier Light Complete White Speed, serum works even better to brightens up the skin.

Why serum works more effectively? It is because serum can go further than the outermost of skin layer (epidermis).

Also it has SPF 19 which can protect skin 19 times stronger from the bad UV rays! Plus point: checked!

Even better is the texture. It's light and absorbed quickly, perfect for outdoor activity!

Among all those products from Light Complete White Speed series, I love this Whitening Serum Cream SPF 19 the most cause it's perfect in all aspects. It has serum, the texture is great as it absorbs fast, and yes it has sun protection!

Multi-Action Whitening Serum Cream

Another whitening serum cream is this Multi-Action Whitening Serum Cream. The only difference is the amount of SPF. Actually this product also contains UVA and UVB filter, unfortunately it is not stated clearly about the protection.

The texture is also slightly different. It's even lighter, but it is not absorbed as quick as the SPF 19 one.

Multi-Action Whitening Cream Night Restore

This one is actually not from White Speed series, but still it is important to use night cream. It's actually even more important because night time is the time when our skin repair and restore the cells. 

The texture is more runny compared to both serum creams. The scent is similar to others; refreshing lemon, just softer.

Sleeping with air conditioner, I actually amazed by the performance of this cream to keep my skin moist the morning after!

So how's the result? Actually my skin is indeed became brighter. It's clearer and has more radiance. And even after 1 week, I still continue the usage of this product. I look forward to use this Garnier Light Complete White Speed series until I'm running out of them!

And you can also watch my video testimonial along with Jean regarding our experience in joining #1WeekToShine Challenge with Garnier Light Complete White Speed!

3 komentar:

  1. loh jean 23 thn? o_o bukannya sepantaran ma kita ya ti? wkwk

  2. is garnier whitening cream can also be use for the body?


Let me know what you think!