
Jumat, 15 Januari 2016

My Hair Experience: Japanese Perm

I've always wanted to have a curly hair. Actually my natural hair is wavy, but I always want to have more waves. This might be due to my mom, LOL. My mom said I will look better if I have curly hair. And I kinda agree with her. And last November, I finally did my hair with Japanese perm!

Thanks to Audi, I can get my hair permed at One Piece Hair Studio Central Park with Eko. So here's the process!

I came to salon with my hair unwashed (second day), but somehow my hair is greasier than usual.
hair before Japanese perm

hair before Japanese perm
BEFORE - side view

Hair Consultation & Washing - 10 minutes

After a few minutes of consultation and hair check, my hair was washed and conditioned. Hair care used is all from Shiseido Professional.

Pre-Perm Treatment - 10 minutes

After washing and conditioning, I'm all ready for the perming! Before applying the perm formula, the stylist carefully applied vitamin to prevent further damage to my hair. Yes, all chemical process; coloring, rebonding, smoothing, perming, etc. is damaging your hair for sure. But with good salon, you can prevent further damage. After vitamin application, my hair is steamed using nano steamer. Final touch before perming; my hair is all rolled.

Perming Process - 15 minutes (repeated twice)

With my hair all rolled, the stylist apply the perm formula all over it. It didn't smell that much and it's still manageable (I have sensitive nose though). Since my hair is only shoulder-length, the process is quite fast compared to others. Not to forget that I have naturally wavy hair.

After applying the perm formula, they use this nano steamer again. After a few minutes, they will rinse my hair and repeat the process until it reaches the desired result. For me, my hair need perming twice.

perming process at One Piece Hair Studio

perming process at One Piece Hair Studio

perming process at One Piece Hair Studio

The perming process is faster compared to others since my hair is naturally wavy. After it's done, then my hair is washed and applied vitamin. 

The perming result will look better when the hair is a bit wet. The curl will be stronger when the hair is damp. Tadaaaa... Here's the result.

What I Love

I love it! So far this hair helps me to get ready faster. No need to blowdry my hair (usually it takes around 10-30 minutes including styling) since the curl is stronger when my hair is half damp.

My hair also appears to have more volume, even on second day after hair wash. 

What I Don't Like

I actually experiences major hair loss. T_T But, yeah of course that's the consequences. But I am trying my best to tackle it by regularly put hair mask on my hair to prevent further damage.

What do you think, do I look better with Japanese perm? Let me know in comments!

13 komentar:

  1. Bagus rambut baru lebih bervolume. Lebih oke kalau pakai cream biar lebih ngembang dengan model "acak-acak"

    1. Iyaaa.. masih cari cara buat styling yang okeee

  2. cakep tiaaaa, cocok rambutnya <3
    tapi sayang juga ya jadi rontok, smoga cepat teratasi rontoknya, jangan kaya gw hahaha

    1. Iyaa, sayang rontook.. Eh lo rontok kenapa la?

  3. hello Tia,just stumble upon and follow your blog from sociolla seems like we have the same strong interest in Japan and beyond hehe
    the japanese perm suit you,looks fresh!


  4. Cocok bangeeet Tia...
    Aku juga kepikiran pengen keriting rambut biar nggak lepek banget tp masih takut...
    Boleh tau salon dan budgetnya?

    1. Hai Giaaan...

      Kalau masih takut keriting mungkin bisa coba C-Wave atau permanent blow. Hehe, aku ke salon One Piece Hair Studio di Central Park, budgetnya aku kurang tau karena ini jadi model hehe..

  5. Thank your for sharing with us. Nowdays long strong and healthy hair is going fast rapidly because interesting topic to discuss. Great.

  6. hey i'm having problem with my long hair. i don't know what's wrong because i always use the same shampoo but somehow day by day my hair fall and it is getting worse after a month. if you have some advice or opinion about this, please let me know.


Let me know what you think!