Jumat, 30 Desember 2016

5 Cara Merawat Kulit Wajah Secara Alami

Wajah merupakan salah satu aspek yang sangat penting bagi wanita, tentunya memiliki wajah bersih serta bersinar juga merupakan dambaan seluruh wanita. Untuk memiliki wajah yang bersih serta bersinar, banyak wanita yang mengeluarkan biaya yang cukup besar demi mendapatkan perawatan terbaik dengan hasil yang maksimal tentunya. 

Dengan banyaknya cara modern yang ada, tentu tidak ada salahnya juga untuk mencoba cara yang alami bukan. Memang benar bahwa perawatan secara alami tidak secepat perawatan dokter, namun hasilnya akan tampak lebih lama dan tanpa efek samping juga. Nah, berikut ini ada beberapa tips merawat wajah secara alami dengan bahan-bahan yang terdapat di rumah kamu.

Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

Cara Mendapatkan Kulit Cerah Merata di Akhir Tahun

Tanpa terasa, sudah hampir penghujung tahun 2016 ya. Jujur, tahun 2016 is really something for me. Banyak sekali pelajaran, pengalaman, juga ilmu baru yang aku dapat di tahun ini. Tidak hanya dari segi karir dan personal development, sebagai beauty blogger tentunya masalah kecantikan dan kesehatan kulit juga menjadi perhatian utamaku.

Aktivitas segudang tentunya membuat tubuh 'teriak', dan salah satu sinyal terkuat pasti selalu datang dari kulit. Ya, meski ada quotes "don't judge a book by its cover", tampilan kulit kita mencerminkan kesehatan tubuh secara keseluruhan lho!

Nah, oleh karena itu, aku pun mulai lebih memperhatikan perawatan tubuh yang menutrisi kulit serta memberikan efek kulit cerah merata, simak yuk tips dari aku!

Minggu, 25 Desember 2016

LAFINE Vegetable Firming Massage Cream

Hi there! Still remember my review about Vegetable Foam Cleansing from Lafine? Now I got another product from it, thanks to BNTNews~ This one is Vegetable Firming Massage Cream. Curious? Read more!

Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016

CATALINA GEO Lash Power Volumizing Mascara

Another Korean makeup review from me. Hello, it's CATALINA GEO again, now I will share to you about its Lash Power Volumizing Mascara. I was quite satisfied with its make up base, so I am excited with this mascara. It claims to have these 3:
  • 3D volumizing mascara
  • Long-lasting 12-hour maintenance
  • Detailed long-lash look
Let's see!

Rabu, 21 Desember 2016

5 Period Hacks that Will Make You Feel Better

What's coming regularly every month, but always ended up making you feel anxious? Yes, that's PERIOD. I believe most of you girls, are dealing with this every single month... Though when it doesn't come, you'll ended up feeling more anxious! 

But don't worry cause I got you covered with 5 Period Hacks that will certainly make you feel better!

Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

HAKUBI BB Cream Moisture Rich

For skin care products, I usually put my trust on Japanese brands. Japanese brand is well-known for its high-quality and promising results, that's why I always willing to try Japanese skin care brands. SATO Pharmaceutical Japan is one of the Japanese brand which has been available in Indonesia since 2014. You might be mostly familiar with HAKUBI White C Tablet and White C Gel; whitening product that work together to take care of our skin both from inside and outside.

Minggu, 04 Desember 2016


Finally! Hair cut post since my hair literally screamed out for help since few months ago. So I've been damaging my hair so much since last year, from coloring, perming, to recoloring.. And since perming bring the worst damage, I fight with a lot of split ends and major hair loss 😫😫😫

And I got a chance to get my hair cut at IRWAN TEAM PIK Avenue thanks to Clozette Indonesia. Read to see my transformation!

Kamis, 24 November 2016

CATALINA GEO Color Capsule Make Up Base

Holla! ✋ I'm finally back with makeup review and these days I think I'm into Korean? 😆  I tried so many new Korean makeup~ I'm not familiar with CATALINA GEO brand except that I've heard this via Lina Kim long time ago.

Rabu, 23 November 2016


Remember my review of RIN Bi-Gyeol Soo? Earlier this month I received another cream from HANSAENG COSMETICS: RIN Bi-Gyeol Yun Cream. So what's the difference with previous product? 

Selasa, 22 November 2016

LAFINE Vegetable Foam Cleansing

Wash your face with vegetables? No, you don't have to slap those leaves on your face 😂  But this new product I've received from BNT News is made of vegetables!

Senin, 21 November 2016


Hi everyone~ I'm back with another makeup review. I've known TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL since long time ago when I was still in college. At that time it's hard to get since I have to buy it online overseas. Now that  it's available in Indonesia, I am so happy to hear that!

Rabu, 09 November 2016

5 Alasan Kenapa Kamu Harus ke Perth

Ngomongin jalan-jalan alias Travel, saya belum pernah keluar dari benua Asia lho. Nah, berkunjung ke benua lain selalu ada di bucket list saya, sayang belum kesampean karena budget dan waktu yang super terbatas *intip saldo tabungan kemudian meringis*

Kalau mau yang terdekat dan tentunya paling terjangkau, ya, Australia. Akhir-akhir ini juga saya sering sekali lihat postingan seliweran di linimasa Facebook saya tentang Australia, terutama Working Holiday Visa (WHV). Jadi makin pengen kesana kan... Apalagi dengar-dengar Liburan Musim Panas disana sangat menyenangkan.

Dari beberapa kota yang paling terkenal di Australia, saya justru naksir berat dengan Perth. Kenapa?

Kamis, 03 November 2016

Friendship: Overstepping Boundaries

photo by: derrickharvin

Boundaries are there for a reason. And yes, this time I'd like to share about boundaries, especially overstepping boundaries. And yes, this post is personal, based on my own experience.

Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

REVIEW: VOV Maxmini Moist Cushion

Previously I reviewed VOV Maxmini Cover Cushion, and this time I'd like to review VOV Maxmini Moist Cushion. Yes, this Maxmini series has two different cushion complexion makeup based on different skin needs and types. Curious? Read more~

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Perbandingan Harga Tiket Sriwijaya Air Saat Peak Season Vs Off Season

Hasil gambar untuk sriwijaya air
Sumber: commons.wikipedia.org
Dalam dunia pariwisata dikenal istilah “Peak Season” dan “Off Season”, dimana momentum keduanya akan memengaruhi tingkat harga tiket pesawat. Mayoritas orang berkesimpulan bahwa, saat Peak Season, maka harga tiket pesawat mana pun cenderung melonjak, bahkan bisa 2 kali lipat lebih mahal dari harga normal. Oleh karena itu, sebisa mungkin orang-orang akan memesan tiket dari jauh-jauh hari atau mempersiapkan dana lebih sebagai antisipasi kemungkinan dana pengeluaran melebihi perkiraan.

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2016

REVIEW: VOV Maxmini Cover Cushion

Hello everyone! These days I've super busy due to my new job. And one of the saviors for me is cushion makeup. I've been a big fan of it ever since it first available here in Indonesia. And there are many kinds of cushion available here now. This time, I tried VOV Maxmini Moisture Cushion and Maxmini Smooth Cover Cushion.

Selasa, 27 September 2016

SHINZU'I Body Lotion

Holla beauties! Who doesn't know about SHINZU'I yet? I bet that most of you must be familiar with this brand. I remember back then when I was in high school, I used the soap bar diligently every day in order to brighten up my skin (I used to play softball, hence the tanned skin back then). And I have to say that I love the result! And I always remember the legendary tagline: Putih Itu Shinzu'i. :)

Now, SHINZU'I has expanded its range of products from body scrub, body lotion, to facial wash. I recently tried its body lotion, and would love to share my testimonial with you all.

Kamis, 15 September 2016

Saatnya Wanita Menikmati Solo Traveling Impian

Solo traveling kini bukanlah hal tabu bagi kaum wanita. Ada banyak sekali destinasi wisata yang bersahabat bagi para solo traveler wanita. Jadi, bagi kita yang punya impian untuk solo traveling, tidak perlu ragu untuk mulai mewujudkannya. Solo traveling akan berlangsung lancar dan menyenangkan jika kita punya persiapan matang.

Kalau ingin merasakan solo traveling yang menakjubkan, jangan lupa untuk menyiapkan beberapa hal penting berikut ini :

Rabu, 07 September 2016

LANEIGE BB Cushion Pore Control SPF 50+ PA+++

Hello everyone! Since I'm such a cushion hoarder (yes, lipstick too), now I'd like to introduce you to one of my latest cushion collection; LANEIGE BB Cushion Pore Control SPF 50+ PA+++. Though LANEIGE is one of the top brands for cushion product, this is actually my first time using it! Read more to find out about my experience with LANEIGE BB Cushion Pore Control SPF 50+ PA+++!

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2016

MAXCLINIC Miraclinic Ampoule Dressing/Contouring Object

Achieving V-shape face is the dream of so many girls in the world, including me! There are many products and treatment promising the V-shape result, and now there's sheet mask that can do that? I have a chance to try MAXCLINIC Miraclinic Ampoule Dressing and Contouring Object. Check my review out!

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2016


Back with another Korean skin care review and still from MAXCLINIC! This product is the most talking-about product these days. It's MAXCLINIC CIRMAGE Lifting Stick. Ready to read my honest review?

Senin, 01 Agustus 2016

MAXCLINIC Purifying Vitamin Oil Foam + Cloud Embo Massage Brush

As you're already aware of, I'm a huge fans of bubble foam method for washing face. But this time I decided to give another method a try, I have been trying out this MAXCLINIC Purifying Vitamin Oil Foam accompanied with Cloud Embo Massage Brush. Sounds amazing? Read more to find out!


I'm baack with another skin care post! This time I'd like to share with you about Beauty Box by BNT News that I received in end of July!

Kamis, 28 Juli 2016

HANSAENG COSMETICS RIN Bi-Gyeol Soo Essence & Cream

Hello girsl~ As you know I'm a big fan of skin care (especially compared to makeup) and my journey to find the one (for skin care) is still long way to go! And I always love to try out new products, especially the one that I've never heard before (but should be legit yes!). 

And I came across this Rin Bi-Gyeol Soo series from HANSAENG Cosmetics thanks to BNTNews! Let's see my review of these two beautiful ladies.

Jumat, 22 Juli 2016

Senin, 18 Juli 2016


Every woman wants to be beautiful and looking naturally beautiful is the ultimate wish of them. I believe that you don't have to be fair and thin to be beautiful. But make sure that you have clear, smooth, and glowing skin. Because I believe those three characteristics are the signs of healthy skin.

Besides skin care, we need to take care of our skin from inside as well; through food and beverage. Eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables is one of the most well-known recipe to stay beautiful. But I have to agree that preparing my own meal while being a lazy, single office lady is such a hassle. Yes, I don't have much time and skill to do so (sounds like an excuse, I know). 

And that's why I love the idea of beauty supplement. One of the beauty supplement that I've been consuming is RENEWSKIN.

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2016

A Healthy Day with Natural Honey

Life is a flower of which love is the honey.
- Victor Hugo 
Just like above saying, a flower is not complete without honey and I believe so is our life. Honey is one of the healthiest choices for you. Not only it tastes delicious, honey also works like wonder for our body; from preventing us from getting sick (it acts as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant) to moisturizing our skin while maintaining its health.

READ MORE: Manfaat Madu Bagi Tubuh

Talking about honey and its benefits for our beautiful, healthy skin, it won't be complete without Natural Honey! Since it recently launched its new product, let's see how good it is!

Jumat, 24 Juni 2016

Best Yogurt for Your Healthy Active Life

Ramadan Mubarak! It's that time of the year again; the holiest month for all Muslims in the world. I, myself, am fasting as usual every year and since it allows us to eat only at dawn and after sunset, I need to watch what I eat as well.

Kamis, 23 Juni 2016


Previously, I talked about blush. And just like I said in the previous post, I'm a lipstick hoarder, so it's no wonder I can't hold myself every time I see new lipsticks.

Though nowadays matte lips is trending, I am still a firm believer of moist lips. And as I previously review here [ULTIMA II Delicate Lipstick], I love Delicate Lipsticks from ULTIMA II. Furthermore, I finally have a chance to review it again and receive new shade as well.

Rabu, 22 Juni 2016


Blush and lipstick are makeup staples for mostly everyone, including me. I consider myself to be a lipstick hoarder as I always fall for another new lipstick and keen on trying new lipsticks.

Same goes for blush. I always love flushed cheek look because it makes my face brighter and fresher. It looks cute as well. And just like lipstick, I always keen on trying new blushes in order to get something better.

And I was excited to receive these blushes from ULTIMA II

Selasa, 21 Juni 2016

Tips Kulit Putih Suci di Bulan Ramadan

Hai semuanya, udah lama banget ya aku gak nulis dalam bahasa Indonesia. Nah, karena kali ini aku bakal ngomongin merek yang asli Indonesia dan memang 'Indonesia banget', aku pun ingin berbagi dalam bahasa Indonesia aja deh.

Siapa sih yang gak ingin punya kulit yang putih cerah merata? Eits, jangan keburu men-judge aku ya. Semua wanita itu cantik tanpa perlu memandang warna kulit, mau hitam, sawo matang, atau putih, yang penting kulit sehat dan terawat. Aku sendiri memiliki kulit asli yang kuning (pasti kalian sering dengar istilah 'kuning langsat'), nah karena polusi dan sinar matahari kulit aku akhir-akhir ini jadi belang ;( 

Makanya waktu lihat Sariayu Putih Langsat di rak supermarket, aku langsung penasaran pengen cobain.

Jumat, 17 Juni 2016


We eat it, we love it. Who can resist a maroon colored macaroon? Imagine the joy of licking cookie dough straight from the spatula on one midnight pyjamas party. A bite of cherry bomb is mindblowing. Never questioning the temptation of one smooth pink velvet, because it is so real!
YASS! EMINA just launched its latest collection: EMINA SUGAR RUSH. I was invited to the gathering along with other beauty influencers to Arasseo.

Kamis, 16 Juni 2016


Using body lotion is one of the beauty must-haves for everyone, especially me. I remember back then when I was still in college, I rarely put on body lotion and as a result my skin was indeed very dry. It's easy to leave visible white lines after I scratch my arms. Yes, that is one of the signs of dry skin.

Rabu, 15 Juni 2016


Let them grab your attention... We double dare you.

Inspired by the iconic American beauty and glamour, GUESS Double Dare was born. Think of the iconic Marilyn Monroe, she managed to capture everyone's imagination with her beauty, style, playful free-spiritedness, and bold daring attitude. 

Dominated with gold, this fragrance is made of fruity, floral, woodsy, and amber tones, Double Dare is like the sweet, younger sister of the original GUESS Dare. 

Kamis, 09 Juni 2016


A month ago I received my second beauty box from Sociolla. This time I got VITACREME B12 products; VITACREME B12 Day Cream and VITA BLANC. As I'm always falling for whitening products, I'm excited to share to you about my experience with these two products.

Senin, 30 Mei 2016

Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser & Moisturizing Cream

As some of you are already aware of, I love to try new skin care, and this time I'd like to share about my experience with Cetaphil.

Cetaphil has a long and proven record of providing skincare solutions with strong dermatological and medical heritage.

The iconic Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser was founded by a pharmacist in 1947 and was the first skincare product formulated by dermatologists as a stand-alone skin care product gentle enough for all skin types. Cetaphil is the skincare brand recommended by dermatologists.

Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

CARING by BIOKOS Beauty Without Worry

Hello everyone~ I'm back with another beauty event to be shared with you all. Since most of you must be familiar with Martha Tilaar (those who are Indonesians), I'd like to share more about two brands from MT; BIOKOS and CARING by BIOKOS.

I've attended the Beauty Talk, Short Class, and Competition "Beauty Without Worry" few weeks ago at Mal Kelapa Gading 3 during Jakarta Food & Fashion Festival 2016 thanks to Kumpulan Emak Blogger. Thank you mba Icoel for the invitation! 

ACUVUE: The Lens That Changes Everything

As an active person who's always busy either with those piles of work or chasing up with those blog deadlines or meeting up with people, I have to stay attractive and fresh. Besides those skin care, makeup, or hair care, etc. there's one more important thing that can help me to do it all: contact lens.

Yes, I have myopia and though it's not that bad (-0.75 and -1.00), sometimes it does affect my vision. And my eyesight also sometimes deteriorates when I stare at my laptop too long (damn deadlines!). And yes, I hate eyeglasses because somehow it blocks my peripheral vision. That's why contact lens is the best solution for me, and I've been a loyal user of ACUVUE Define since last year.

Kamis, 26 Mei 2016


I'm back with new skin care revelation! I bet that most of you are familiar with Royal Jelly, right? But, just in case you don't know about it yet, let me explain it first so you will learn about this amazing ingredients.

Royal jelly is a milky secretion produced by worker honey bees. It typically contains about 60% to 70% water, 12% to 15% proteins, 10% to 16% sugar, 3% to 6% fats, and 2% to 3% vitamins, salts, and amino acids. Its composition varies depending on geography and climate. This product gets its name from the fact that bees use it for the development and nurturing of queen bees. Some people use royal jelly as medicine. Also, please don’t confuse royal jelly with bee pollen or bee venom.

Royal jelly is used for asthma, hay fever, liver disease, pancreatitis, sleep troubles (insomnia), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), stomach ulcers, kidney disease, bone fractures, menopausal symptoms, skin disorders, and high cholesterol. It is also used as a general health tonic, for fighting the effects of aging, and for boosting the immune system. It's like magic potion right?

And since it can be used to fight the effects of aging, that's why Bio-Essence are using it as one of the key ingredients for Bio-Essence Royal Jelly with ATP skin care series!

Senin, 23 Mei 2016

Memilih Sepatu yang Tepat

Wanita selalu dikaitkan dengan beauty dan fashion, tidak terkecuali aku. Walau sebagian besar konten blog ini adalah beauty, aku sendiri sangat terobsesi dengan yang namanya sepatu. Hayo, siapa yang juga punya masalah yang sama?

Selasa, 17 Mei 2016


Hello everyone! For the past few weeks I was visiting a laser clinic Jakarta: PPP Laser Clinic. Have you heard about PPP Laser Clinic before? If not, let me kindly inform you in this dedicated blog post. 

PPP is an aesthetic clinic network that focuses on laser facial treatment. Their procedure uses a combination of laser and light technology to cleanse the skin and simultaneously strengthen the skin's structure also overcome skin problems such as pores, acne and pigmentation gradually.

Selasa, 10 Mei 2016

Usir Wajah Kusam Akibat Penggunaan HP dengan Masker Alami Ini

Aneka HP Xiaomi dibawah 1 juta yang ada di MatahariMall memang membuat siapa saja jadi terigur. Karena aktivitas mobile pasti semakin lancar dengan varian HP tersebut. Para wanita karir pun tak ragu lagi mengakses situs MatahariMall dari HP kesayangan untuk berbelanja online dengan praktis.

REVIEW Naturecia Brightening Exfoliator

Hello everyone! This time I'd like to present a video review of Naturecia Brightening Exfoliator! It's Japanese skin care brand which is new in Indonesia. The product is an exfoliator which is very gentle to our skin. Let's see the result in 30 seconds!

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